Ala Moana, Kaka’ako, McCully, Sheridan, Waikīkī
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Sharon Moriwaki grew up for a portion of her childhood in District 12, in the Sheridan area. She has the unique distinction of serving in leadership positions in all three branches of government — the executive branch, the judicial branch, and now our legislative branch. This knowledge of how government works provides the Senator with an effective and collaborative approach to problem solving and service to her constituents. Her annual survey to constituents sets her legislative actions. These priorities have been — affordable housing, homelessness, crime and noise pollutions, kupuna and keiki, and sea-level rise. Senator Moriwaki is Vice-Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means and is a member of the Government Operations and Labor & Technology Committees. She is also the Senate Convener of the Legislative Kupuna Caucus.
Contact Us:
Senator Sharon Moriwaki
State Capitol, Room 215
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Phone: (808) 586-6740
Fax: (808) 586-6829

Our District is working hard to move Hawaii forward —
the strength of families, education, and job opportunities —
these are our strong foundations and hold the keys to
solving our greatest challenges.
— Senator Sharon Moriwaki